BDO Alliance USA

We are very proud of our local focus. Our clients often tell us how appreciative they are of the responsiveness and attention that they receive from our team, which is based entirely in the Jacksonville community.

As the complexity and geographic reach of our clients’ businesses have grown, we have additional resources that go beyond a locally based accounting firm.

We are an independent member of the BDO Alliance USA, a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting, and service firms with similar client service goals. The BDO Alliance USA presents an opportunity for firms to expand services to clients without jeopardizing our existing relationships or our autonomy by accessing the resources of BDO USA, P.A and other Alliance members. The BDO Alliance USA was developed to provide Member firms with an alternative strategy for gaining competitive advantage in the face of a changing business landscape. The Alliance represents an opportunity for BDO to enhance relationships with reputable firms that share a mutual business understanding.

The BDO Alliance USA is a subsidiary of BDO USA, P.A., a U.S. professional services firm providing assurance, tax, and advisory services to a wide range of publicly traded and privately held companies.

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